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11 Skincare Mistakes You Need to Avoid for Radiant Skin

11 Skincare Mistakes You Need to Avoid for Radiant Skin

Achieving flawless skin can sometimes feel like an impossible task. Despite our best efforts, common skincare mistakes can sabotage our routine and prevent us from attaining that coveted glow. Whether you’re a skincare newbie or a seasoned enthusiast, it’s crucial to be aware of these pitfalls.

The Top Skincare Mistakes You Need to Avoid by Dermatologist

Our skin is delicate and requires proper care to remain healthy. Unfortunately, even the most well-intentioned skincare routines can go awry. Here are the top skincare mistakes that could be standing between you and perfect skin.

1. Blindly Following Skincare Influencers

With the rise of social media, skincare influencers have gained significant popularity. While their advice can be helpful, blindly following their routines without considering your skin type can be detrimental. What works for them may not work for you.

Understanding Your Skin Type

Every individual has a unique skin type—be it oily, dry, combination, sensitive, or normal. Influencers often share routines that are either sponsored and/or work for their specific skin type, which might not be compatible with yours. Using inappropriate products can lead to breakouts, dryness, or other skin issues.

2. Face Exercises

Face exercises promise to tone and tighten your skin, but they can sometimes do more harm than good. Overdoing these exercises can lead to the breakdown of collagen and elastin, essential for maintaining your skin’s firmness and elasticity, leading to sagging skin over time.

Alternative Techniques

Instead of rigorous exercises, consider using tools like jade rollers or gua sha stones or opt for our Face Gym Clinical Facial. This facial enhances blood circulation to promote a healthy glow without damaging skin’s structure. It helps reduce puffiness, promote lymphatic drainage, sculpt facial contours & firmness.

3. Not Sanitising Your Phone Regularly

Your phone is a breeding ground for bacteria. When you touch your phone and then your face, you transfer these germs, which can cause breakouts and skin irritations. Make it a habit to sanitise your phone regularly to minimise this risk.

The Impact of Bacteria on Skin

Bacteria from your phone can clog pores and lead to acne and other skin infections. Regularly cleaning your phone with alcohol wipes or UV sanitizers can help reduce the risk of skin issues.

4. Not Checking the Product Labels Before Using

One of the most common skincare mistakes is not reading product labels. Some ingredients may not be suitable for your skin type or may interact negatively with other products in your routine. Always check the ingredients list and ensure the product is suitable for your skin’s needs.

Understanding Ingredients

Ingredients like alcohol, fragrance, and certain preservatives can irritate sensitive skin. On the other hand, ingredients like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide can be beneficial for acne-prone skin but too harsh for dry skin. Knowing what’s in your products allows you to make informed decisions.

Before fully integrating a new product into your routine, conduct a patch test. Apply a small amount of the product on a discreet area of your skin and wait 24 hours to see if any adverse reactions occur. This precaution can help prevent widespread irritation.

5. Skimping on SPF

Many people underestimate the importance of sunscreen, especially indoors. UV rays can penetrate windows and still cause damage. Moreover, blue light from laptops, phones and other screens can make melasma & pigmentation worse.

Additionally, areas like the neck and hands are often neglected, leading to premature ageing. Don’t forget your lips either; opt for a lip balm with SPF to protect this sensitive area.

The Importance of SPF

Sunscreen is crucial in preventing skin cancer, hyperpigmentation, and premature ageing. Make it a habit to apply a broad-spectrum SPF of at least 30 every day, regardless of the weather or your indoor plans.

Ensure you extend your sunscreen application to your neck, hands, and other exposed areas. These regions are often forgotten but are equally susceptible to UV damage. Similarly, use a lip balm with SPF to protect your lips from sun exposure.

6. Using Too Many Products or Wrong Products for Your Skin

More products don’t necessarily mean better results. Using too many products can overwhelm your skin, leading to irritation and breakouts. Similarly, using the wrong products for your skin type can cause more harm than good. Stick to a simple, tailored routine and introduce new products slowly.

Simplifying Your Routine

A minimalist skincare routine can be more effective and less irritating. Start with the basics: a gentle cleanser, a hydrating moisturiser, and sunscreen. Gradually add other products, such as serums and treatments, one at a time to monitor how your skin reacts.

Our aesthetic dermatologists can tailor a personalised skincare routine based on your skin type, concerns & desired results.

7. Exfoliating Your Face Too Often

Exfoliation is crucial for removing dead skin cells, but over-exfoliating can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Aim to exfoliate no more than two to three times a week and choose gentle exfoliants suited for your skin type.

Types of Exfoliants

There are two main types of exfoliants: physical and chemical. Physical exfoliants, like scrubs, can be too abrasive if used excessively. Chemical exfoliants, like AHAs and BHAs, can be gentler but still effective. Choose an exfoliant that suits your skin type and concerns.

8. Applying Skincare in the Wrong Order

The order in which you apply your skincare products matters. Applying products in the wrong sequence can reduce their effectiveness. Generally, start with the lightest products like serums and end with heavier creams or oils to ensure maximum absorption.

The Correct Order

A typical skincare routine should follow this order: cleanser, toner (if used), serum, moisturiser, and finally, sunscreen (in the morning). This sequence allows each product to penetrate the skin effectively and deliver its benefits.

When layering products, wait a few minutes between applications to let each product absorb fully. This practice ensures that your skin receives the full benefit of each step in your routine.

9. Picking & Popping Pimples

It’s tempting to pop pimples, but doing so can lead to scarring and infections. Instead, use targeted spot treatments or in-clinic anti-acne procedures to reduce inflammation and resist the urge to pick at your skin.

The Risks of Picking

Picking at blemishes can push bacteria deeper into the skin, causing more significant breakouts. It also increases the risk of permanent acne scars & PIH acne marks.

If you struggle with chronic acne, book an appointment with our dermatologist for effective quick-fix in-clinic treatments & long-term solutions.

10. Overwashing Your Face

Cleansing is vital, but overwashing can strip your skin of natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Stick to washing your face twice a day—once in the morning and once at night—to keep your skin clean without over-drying it.

Choosing the Right Cleanser

Opt for a gentle, sulphate-free cleanser that suits your skin type. Avoid harsh soaps or cleansers with high alcohol content, as they can be too drying and irritating.

Ensure you cleanse thoroughly at night to remove makeup, sunscreen, and impurities. Consider double cleansing if you wear heavy makeup or have oily skin.

11. Not Being Consistent with Your Skincare Routine

Inconsistency is a major skincare mistake. Skincare requires patience and regularity to see results. Skipping days or frequently changing products can disrupt your skin’s balance. Stick to a consistent routine for at least a few weeks to truly evaluate a product’s effectiveness.

The Importance of Routine

Consistency helps in achieving and maintaining healthy skin. Sticking to a routine allows your skin to adjust to products and show their full potential benefits.


Skincare is a journey that requires attention to detail and consistency. Avoiding these common skincare mistakes can significantly improve your skin’s health and appearance. Remember, everyone’s skin is different, so what works for someone else might not work for you. It’s always best to consult with a skincare professional to tailor a routine specifically for your needs.

Achieving radiant, healthy skin doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By avoiding these common skincare mistakes, you can enhance your routine and see noticeable improvements. If you’re unsure about your skincare routine or need personalised advice,book an appointment with our aesthetic dermatologists. They can help you create a custom skincare regimen tailored to your unique skin type and concerns. Don’t wait—take the first step towards glowing skin today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, overusing skincare products or using too many at once can damage the skin. This can lead to irritation, breakouts, and compromised skin barrier function.

If your skincare is not suitable for you, you might experience redness, irritation, excessive dryness, or breakouts. Additionally, if your skin condition worsens after using a product, it’s a sign it may not be right for you.

Skincare products that have gone bad often change in colour, smell, or texture. If a product smells rancid or looks separated, it's best to discard it.

Ingredients to avoid in skincare products include parabens, sulphates, and artificial fragrances, as they can cause irritation or allergic reactions. Also, avoid products with high alcohol content, as they can dry out the skin.